March 30, 2020 3 min read

As we head into the festive season, it is the perfect time with no work distractions to try take a 36 – 48-hour breastfeeding vacation for all mammas looking to increase their supply. There are many ways to increase your supply and if you have not downloaded my free tips and tricks email for a full look on how to increase your supply, please click here.

Most mammas are so concerned about having enough milk but very few think about the key to this issue – breastfeed your baby at every opportunity you can. Even in the midst of all this stress and fear about the repercussions on how we will operate as a society after this lockdown, take this time to really focus on your breastfeeding and allow yourself the time to be mindful of it. Most mammas really struggle with having enough milk and are not able to breastfeed on demand one of these reasons is that moms go back to work and are not able to express sufficient milk at will. So why not use the time at home to take a nursing vacation.

The idea behind a nursing vacation

The word vacation means a holiday or leave of absence from a regular occupation. Although this sounds like you will have a break from breastfeeding, it is actually the opposite. You take a break from most other responsibilities and spend as much time bonding with your baby and breastfeeding as you possibly can.
While you are on a nursing vacation your job is to do nothing else but worry about taking care of yourself and your baby. You shouldn’t have to worry about meals, taking care of regular household chores or hosting visitors. That is why this lockdown time is the perfect time to have this one on one time.
The most important part of this nursing vacation is having as much uninterrupted skin-to-skin time with baby as possible. This skin-to-skin time causes you to create the hormone oxytocin, also known as the love hormone. This assist with stimulating your breasts to let down the milk, lowering your stress levels, and improving your blood pressure.
The bonding time you will share will help you to pick up on feeding cues and babies needs easily. This vacation is really to spend time relaxing, one of the worst things you can do for your milk supply is stressing. Stress is a killer and can have a big effect on your supply. If you are a brand new mamma, or if this is your fifth baby, we all need time to relax with them.
I understand that as mammas we are never truly able to leave all our other commitments, especially if we do have more than one child so preparation is key. Books, special video games, arts, and crafts can do the trick. Also, skin to skin with their new sibling can be a great benefit for them too! Don’t be afraid to enlist their help.

There is often so much going on in our day to day lives and we often forget to take time to “smell the roses”. Take the opportunity of our forced lockdown to really just focus on you and your baby. If you are struggling with your milk supply this could make all the difference. Relax, read, watch your favourite TV shows, and eat your favourite (breastfeeding friendly) foods. If you’re looking for a healthy and delicious snack that can help increase your breastmilk supply, browse our selection of delicious snacks today! Make sure everything you could need while nursing is close by – read my article on your breastfeeding station if you are not sure what to have close by.

Should you need more help with breastfeeding virtually during this time we have reached out to Lactation consultant Niyati and she is offering virtual consults via WhatsApp/Skype. Pop her a message if you need help and she can take you through the process 

Being a new mom is stressful. You don’t want to become your own harshest critic while you’re in this vulnerable place in life. Be patient with yourself and your new baby and soon you will be breastfeeding like a pro.
Stay Safe  #StayAtHome

All images were kindly shared with me from Mari-Louise Candiotes from Just a Mamma photographed by Madison and West Lifestyle